©2013 Copyright of Kobuk River Lodge. All rights reserved.
Loren with Mr. Beack a Korean outdoors show host. This Sheefish was caught on a fly at the mouth of the Hunt River.
The most satisfying part of planning any Adventure is to have it go as designed. I put a lot of effort into seeing that each detail is carefully considered. The remoteness of our region makes this preparation even more important. I have communication with town and An extra boat on standby just incase anything goes wrong. I always travel with the fallowing items
Handheld radios
Satellite messenger
Bear spray
Survival gear
Bug protection
Spare hats, gloves, etc.
Matches, lighters, etc.
I do a gear check before we leave the dock to make sure you will be comfortable on your adventure. You need to bring bring plenty of warm clothing and rain gear and your farorite form of Bug protection.